Sunday, January 15, 2012

Does anybody have that cookbook "step-by-step cookery" by Marguerite Patten?

Does anybody have that cookbook "step-by-step cookery" by Marguerite Patten?

Its a fairly old book I think first printed in the 60s, but she is a famous cook and her books are used around the world so its a pretty standard household edition in many countries.

Anyway my point is, if anyone has it, would you mind checking under cookies or biscuits and finding this recipe for chocolate biscuits that you dont bake, that you set in the fridge. Maybe if I remember right iyou made it into a roll and then sliced them into cookies?

Anyway I remember my Mum making them as a kid and I remember the cook book so well (thats why I remember the title) but she has since thrown it out because it got all tatty, and I miss those cookies!!!

Thanks soooooooooooooooooo much for obliging me if you have the book and a big MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!
Does anybody have that cookbook "step-by-step cookery" by Marguerite Patten?
try this site its
Reply:I think you could probably find this book on vintage books on ebay if no one can help you.
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